2022 Student Audition Results
Rankings and Honors
Only those who received honors (H) will advance to regionals. Please note that it is possible to rank, but not receive honors. This is sometimes the case in small categories. Please make note of the (H) next to the name to determine if you are advancing to regionals.
We designate honors in all categories. CL 11, CL 12, and MT 11 are specific to our chapter and do not continue to regionals.
If you are advancing to regionals, submissions are due in AuditionWare by March 1, 2022. Make sure to relabel your YouTube video submissions to reflect Mid-Atlantic Regional NATS instead of VANATS. For more information, check out the MARNATS website.
It is imperative that videos follow the guidelines linked below. Please read through carefully and review your video submissions to ensure you adhere to the guidelines. All videos that do not meet these guidelines will be considered invalid and result in disqualification.
College Level Results
First Year Classical Treble Voice
1. Angel Thompson (H)
Studio of Margaret Woods
2. Abigale Jackson (H)
Studio of Wayne Kompelien
3. Mary Morgan Elder (H)
Studio of Patricia Miller
First Year Musical Theatre Treble Voice
1. Grace Elizabeth Arruda (H)
Studio of Mira Yang
2. Sarah Heath (H)
Studio of Mindy Damon
3. Mackenzie Lawhon (H)
Studio of Mindy Damon
Mary Hilbrink (H)
Studio of Nicholas Martinez
Maia Adolphs (H)
Studio of Colin Johnson
CL 5B: Second Year Classical Treble Voice
1. Sydney Wenger (H)
Studio of Wayne Kompelien
2. Sarai Burgos (H)
Studio of Samantha Renee Miller
3. Jhilian Bremby (H)
Studio of Margaret Woods
Juliana Cardine (H)
Studio of Patricia Miller
Olivia Carlton (H)
Studio of Michelle Harman Gulick
Madelyn Chalkley (H)
Studio of Richard M Jupin
Savannah Geiger (H)
Studio of Samantha Renee Miller
Talia Pirron (H)
Studio of Pamela B Beasley
Second Year Musical Theatre Treble Voice
1. Victoria Winsky (H)
Student of Clifford Lambert II
2. Ciara Allen (H)
Studio of Patricia O Campbell
3. Annie Urmanski (H)
Studio of Dorothy E Maddison
First Year Classical TBB
1. Kolby Kendrick (H)
Student of Samantha Renee Miller
2. Jonathan Heins (H)
Studio of Kerry Wilkerson
First Year Musical Theatre TBB
1. Kiser Shelton (H)
Student of Mindy Damon
2. Joshua Thomas (H)
Studio of Mindy Damon
3. Kolby Kendrick (H)
Studio of Samantha Renee Miller
Second Year Classical TBB
1. Jordan Osborne (H)
Studio of Kenneth Wood
2. Cole Hoeness (H)
Studio of Wayne Kompelien
Second Year Musical Theatre TBB
1. Aaron Hall (H)
Studio of Mindy Damon
2. Ethan Taylor (H)
Studio of Richard M Jupin
3. Joshua Ward (H)
Studio of Kevin Haglund
Skkyler Travis (H)
Studio of Christa Bowens
Third Year Classical Treble Voice
1. Aubree Zern (H)
Studio of Wayne Kompelien
2. Nya Powell (H)
Studio of Margaret Woods
3. Blythe Condon (H)
Studio of Samantha Renee Miller
Rosalind Chan (H)
Studio of Kerry Wilkerson
Lainey Johnson (H)
Studio of Wayne Kompelien
Third Year Musical Theatre Treble Voice
1. Ellie James (H)
Studio of Patricia Campbell
2. Lauren Gutierrez (H)
Studio of Mindy Damon
2. Caroline Segars (H)
Studio of Mindy Damon
Kearston Hudson (H)
Studio of Clifford Lambert II
Samantha Losee (H)
Studio of Patricia O Campbell
Abby Mann (H)
Studio of Mindy Damon
Fourth/Fifth Year Classical Treble Voice
1. Helena Ruiz (H)
Studio of Michelle Harman Gulick
2. Rosemary Wright (H)
Studio of Patricia Miller
3. Nairobi King (H)
Studio of Patricia Miller
Kathryn Nerys Apple (H)
Studio of Melissa Chavez
Cvana Clarkson (H)
Studio of Margaret Woods
Emily Rosenberger (H)
Studio of Danielle Talamantes
Caeleana Smith (H)
Studio of Richard M Jupin
Nelly Solares (H)
Studio of Elissa Alvarez
Fourth/Fifth Year Musical theatre Treble Voice
1. Sydney Borchers (H)
Studio of Mindy Damon
2. Kathryn Nerys Apple (H)
Studio of Melissa Chavez
3. Shannon Flack (H)
Studio of Dorothy E Maddison
Paige Abbatacola (H)
Studio of Mindy Damon
Caroline Kinney (H)
Studio of Donna Renee Green
Ainsley Lederfind (H)
Studio of Edward Daryl Duff
Third Year Classical TBB
1. Canaan McDaniel (H)
Studio of Wayne Kompelien
Third Year Musical Theatre TBB
1. Elias Perez (H)
Studio of Mindy Damon
2. Nathaniel Wright
Studio of Melissa Chavez
Fourth/Fifth Year Classical TBB
1. Juho Sten (H)
Studio of Mira Yang
2. Case Hope (H)
Studio of Patricia Miller
Fourth/Fifth Year Musical Theatre TBB
1. AJ Denson (H)
Studio of Mark Greenawalt
Lower Advanced Classical Treble Voice
1. Carrie Gregory (H)
Studio of Margaret Woods
2. Hope Dornfeld
Studio of Patricia O Campbell
Upper Advanced Classical TrebleVoice
1. Christy Massey (H)
Studio of Wayne Kompelien
1. Gabriella Pisacreta (H)
Studio of Fotina Naumenko
CL 10B
Upper Advanced Classical TBB
1. Nicholas Carratura (H)
Studio of Melissa Chavez
2. Benjamin Goodrich (H)
Studio of Elissa Alvarez
Youth, High School, and Adult Results
CL 2
Children Treble Voice
1. Abraham Latner (H)
Studio of Amy Ayre
2. Madelyn Regan (H)
Studio of Nancy MacArthur Smith
MT 2
Youth Musical Theatre
1. Madelyn Regan (H)
Studio of Nancy McArthur Smith
2. Claire Williams (H)
Studio of Christa Bowens
3. Grace Erwin (H)
Studio of Christa Bowens
Jack Abidin (H)
Studio of Nancy MacArthur Smith
Benjamin Corliss (H)
Studio of Amanda Fish
Madeline DeWitt (H)
Studio of Shannon Wise
Thomas Owen Puckett (H)
Studio of Christa Bowens
CL 3A-1
Lower High School Classical Treble Voice
1. Riah Lubansky (H)
Studio Shelly Milam-Ratliff
2. Abigail Bodvake (H)
Studio of Shelly Milam-Ratliff
3. Sophia Bourcier (H)
Studio of Shelly Milam-Ratliff
Emily Richards (H)
Studio of Margaret Woods
Autumn Frank (H)
Studio of Lani E Jacobson
Elizabeth Zeoli (H)
Studio of Megan Sanchez
Taggie Gomtsyan (H)
Studio of Danielle Talamantes
Lina Najdi (H)
Studio of Megan Sanchez
MT 3A-1
Lower High School Musical Theatre Treble Voice
1. Mira Flood (H)
Studio of Nancy McArthur Smith
2. Autumn Frank (H)
Studio of Lani E Jacobson
3. Laura Conner (H)
Studio of Christa Bowens
Lindsey Hicks (H)
Studio of Christa Bowens
Katy Schrock (H)
Studio of Shannon Wise
Sophie Centola (H)
Studio of Margaret McNulty
Bella Marciano (H)
Studio of Christa Bowens
CL 3A-2
Lower High School Classical Treble Voice
1.Erica Axtell (H)
Studio of Margaret Woods
1.Sophie Hill (H)
Studio Shelly Milam-Ratliff
3. Kaitlyn McCarley (H)
Studio of Danielle Talamantes
Naomi Omori (H)
Studio of Mira Yang
MT 3A-2
Lower High School Musical Theatre Treble Voice
1. Allison McCullough (H)
Studio of Margaret Woods
2. Jillson McGarry (H)
Studio of Nancy MacArthur Smith
3. Aubrey Pack (H)
Studio of Christa Bowens
3. Addison Zacharias (H)
Studio of Margaret Woods
CL 3B-1
Upper High School Classical Treble Voice
1. Mary Reins (H)
Studio Shelly Milam-Ratliff
2. Sophia Stopyra (H)
Studio of Shelly Milam-Ratliff
3. Mariela Palencia (H)
Studio of Megan Sanchez
Jocie Schnee (H)
Studio of Donna Renee Green
Gianna Macedon (H)
Studio of Amy Ayre
Hannah Moghaddar (H)
Studio of Nancy MacArthur Smith
Serenity Everette (H)
Studio of Shelly Milam-Ratliff
MT 3B-1
Upper High School Musical Theatre Treble Voice
1. Lydia Gonda Zamorano (H)
Studio of Christa Bowens
2. Emma Gutierrez (H)
Studio of Mindy Damon
3. Chloe Gunnoe (H)
Studio of Christa Bowens
Alanna Helfrich (H)
Studio of Christa Bowens
Hannah Moghaddar (H)
Studio of Nancy MacArthur Smith
Ciara Monroe (H)
Studio of Christa Bowens
Mariela Palencia (H)
Studio of Megan Sanchez
Jocie Schnee (H)
Studio of Donna Renee Green
Clare Shannon (H)
Studio of Lani E Jacobson
Kailyn Snyder (H)
Studio of Christa Bowens
Pippa Westland (H)
Studio of Amy Ayre
CL 3B-2
Upper High School Classical Treble Voice
1. Libby Mullins (H)
Studio of Margaret Woods
2. Dakota Smith (H)
Studio of Shelly Milam-Ratliff
3. Prisha Ray (H)
Studio of Danielle Talamantes
Madison Poole (H)
Studio of Shelly Milam-Ratliff
Natalie Hamel (H)
Studio of Amy Ayre
Faith Woodberry-Crisp (H)
Studio of Shelly Milam-Ratliff
Annie French (H)
Studio of Kathleen Bell
Even Tyree (H)
Studio of Christa Bowens
Viha Chakrapani (H)
Studio of Margaret McNulty
MT 3B-2
Upper High School Musical Theatre Treble Voice
1. Jana Harmon (H)
Studio of Margaret Woods
2. Even Tyree (H)
Studio of Christa Bowens
3. Jacqueline Copeland (H)
Studio of Nancy MacArthur Smith
Annalise Schultz (H)
Studio of Christa Bowens
Faith Marie Jacob (H)
Studio of Christa Bowens
Annelise Alban (H)
Studio of Christa Bowens
Aubrey Zacharias (H)
Studio of Christa Bowens
Claire Centola (H)
Studio of Danielle Talamantes
CL 3B-3
Upper High School Classical Treble Voice
1. Jana Harmon (H)
Studio of Margaret Woods
2. Arya Balian (H)
Studio of Danielle Talamantes
3. Kira Cervi (H)
Studio of Shelly Milam-Ratliff
Logan Windley (H)
Studio of Shelly Milam-Ratliff
Lower High School Classical TBB
1. Patrick Logue (H)
Studio of Megan Sanchez
2. Advai Govind
Studio of Margaret McNulty
Lower High School Musical Theatre TBB
1. Keenan Friberg (H)
Studio of Christa Bowens
2. Patrick Logue (H)
Studio of Megan Sanchez
3. Xavier Colbert
Studio of Christa Bowens
Upper High School Classical TBB
1. Ted Thomas (H)
Studio of Shelly Milam-Ratliff
2. Tallon Cummings-Watson (H)
Studio of Shelly Milam-Ratliff
3. Jadon Colbert (H)
Studio of Shelly Milam-Ratliff
Robbie Erickson (H)
Studio of Heather Craw
Anthony Jeffress (H)
Studio of Kerry Wilkerson
Johnny Parks (H)
Studio of Shannon Wise
Gaston Finger (H)
Studio of Amy Ayre
Daniel Petry (H)
Studio of Margaret McNulty
Kian Mostaghim (H)
Studio of Kerry Wilkerson
Jarius Hines (H)
Studio of Shelly Milam-Ratliff
Upper High School Musical Theatre TBB
1. Samuel Milton (H)
Studio of Christa Bowens
2. Gavyn Falwell (H)
Studio of Christa Bowens
3.Kian Mostaghim (H)
Studio of Kerry Wilkerson
CL 11
Adult Classical Treble Voice
(Do not advance)
1. Teresa Pohlman (H)
Studio of Danielle Talamantes
2. Jacyn Gibbs (H)
Studio of Mira Yang
3. Taylor Simpson (H)
Studio of Joan Jurenas
Kinga Karska (H)
Studio of Mira Yang
Katherine Ralston-Slott (H)
Studio of Margaret McNulty
MT 11
Adult Musical Theatre Treble Voice
(Does not advance)
1. Jessi Shul (H)
Studio of Nancy MacArthur Smith
2. Taylor Simpson (H)
Studio of Joan Jurenas
3. Teresa Pohlman (H)
Studio of Danielle Talamantes
Alicia Braxton (H)
Studio of Margaret McNulty
CL 12
Adult Classical TBB Voice
(Does not advance)
1. Kevin Simpson (H)
Studio of Kerry Wilkerson