Honors’ Recitals

All singers who place first in their category are invited to perform at the Honors Recital. Report to room 1104 at least 15 minutes prior to the recital

  • If you are using your own accompanist, they must arrive at the same time.

  • If you do not have an accompanist, one will be provided for you.

    Results will be posted at the bottom of this page. You can also follow the Instagram and Facebook pages for results updates.

College Winners’ Recital
Friday, February 24, 2023
5:00 - 6:30pm

Youth, High School & Adult Winners’ Recital
Saturday, February 25, 2023

Susan Randolph Braden Memorial Fund

The SUSAN BRADEN MEMORIAL Endowment Fund of VA NATS was established in 2020 to provide financial assistance to one or more VA NATS students to assist with his/her/their expenses of attending and auditioning in the Annual National Conference. Following the Mid-Atlantic Conference, watch for an announcement of this year's award recipients.

If you have a student who needs financial assistance progressing to the final round, please let us know!

2023 Student Audition Results


First, Second, and Third Place winners will each receive an award e-check. ($50/$35/$25)

An e-check notice from Deluxe Payment Exchange will be sent to the student's registration email, made payable to the student name as registered for the conference. Look for this email to arrive between Feb 26-28. After 90-days the check will no longer be valid, so please cash it at your earliest opportunity. DPE includes details regarding how to print the check and provides outstanding customer service.

After the 90-days, if the treasurer has not been contacted, uncashed award check funds will be transferred into the VANATS Endowment account.
For information, questions, or assistance, please contact your VANATS Treasurer, Anne Wick.

Rankings and Honors

Only those who received honors (H) will advance to regionals. Please note that it is possible to rank, but not receive honors. This is sometimes the case in small categories. Please make note of the (H) next to the name to determine if you are advancing to regionals.

Advancing to Regionals

If you are advancing to regionals, submissions are due in AuditionWare by March 1, 2023. Go to the Advancing to Regionals page for more information.

College Level Results

First Year Classical Treble Voice

1. Anna Hubbard (H)
Studio of Mary Matthews
2. Libby Mullins (H)
Studio of Margaret Woods
3. Kathryn Lange (H)
Studio of Kevin McMillan


Jenna Lyons (H)
Studio of Larry Giddens

Kristiana Jones (H)
Studio of Brian Nedvin

Felixia Brooks (H)
Studio of Denise Ritter Bernardini

Elianna Flower (H)
Studio of Wayne Kompelien

Grace Ashby (H)
Studio of Fotina Naumenko

Ava Knight (H)
Studio of Samantha Miller

Genevieve Butler (H)
Studio of Cailin Crane

First Year Musical Theatre Treble Voice

1. Abby Christian (H)
Studio of Brian Nedvin
1. Melody Wimberly (H)
Studio of Mark Greenawalt
3. Alison Fricke (H)
Studio of Mindy Damon


Presley Colonge (H)
Studio of Mindy Damon
Emma King (H)
Studio of Mindy Damon
McKenzie Ohler (H)
Studio of Mark Greenawalt
Audrey Kell (H)
Studio of Patricia Campbell
Lucia Ku (H)
Studio of Alisa Jordheim
Sarah Lindsay Merriman (H)
Studio of Denise Ritter Bernardini
Keana Starbird (H)
Studio of Christa Flint
Kiara Barnes (H)
Studio of Brian Nedvin

CL 5B: Second Year Classical Treble Voice

1. Sofia Stankiewicz (H)
Studio of Fotina Naumenko
2. Sofia Vazquez (H)
Studio of Carrie Stevens
3. Lauren Maho (H)
Studio of Cynthia Donnell


Kaylea Manners (H)
Studio of Carrie Stevens
Maya Collins (H)
Studio of Margaret Woods
Brielle Windle (H)
Studio of Fotina Naumenko
Elizabeth Grace (H)
Studio of Mira Yang
Cassidy Holmes (H)
Studio of Byron Jones

Second Year Musical Theatre Treble Voice

1. Jada Davis (H)
Studio of Samantha Miller
2. Taylor Leccese (H)
Studio of Mindy Damon
3. Elizabeth Torres (H)
Studio of Nicholas Martinez


Elizabeth Grace (H)
Studio of Mira Yang

Maia Adolphs (H)
Studio of Jessica Long

First Year Classical TBB

1. Michael Bromley (H)
Studio of Kevin McMillan
2. Jacob Joyner (H)
Studio of Samantha Miller
3. Edwin Dogan
Studio of Kenneth Wood


William Dykes (H)
Studio of Richard Jupin
Davis Dorris (H)
Studio of Clifford Lambert II

First Year Musical Theatre TBB

1. Jacob Joyner (H)
Studio of Samantha Miller
2. Christian Ruch (H)
Studio of Nicholas Martinez
3. David Dorris (H)
Studio of Clifford Lambert II


Nikolas Hardenberger (H)
Studio of Jessica Long

Maximiliano Fernandez-Escalona (H)
Studio of Byron Jones

Second Year Classical TBB

1. Emanuel Singletary (H)
Studio of Byron Jones
2. Kolby Kendrick (H)
Studio of Samantha Miller
3. Joshua Slutsky (H)
Studio of Eugene Galvin


Justin Rhee (H)
Studio of Mira Yang
Loring Ray (H)
Studio of Richard Jupin
Devonte Garcia (H)
Studio of Kevin McMillan
Samuel Robinson (H)
Studio of Kenneth Wood

Second Year Musical Theatre TBB

1. Luke Clevenger (H)
Studio of Nicholas Martinez
2. Kolby Kendrick (H)
Studio of Samantha Miller
3. Kaleb Scott (H)
Studio of Nicholas Martinez


Andrew Hoover (H)
Studio of Denise Ritter Bernardini

Third Year Classical Treble Voice

1. Bella Cox (H)
Studio of Michelle Harman Gulick
2. Ava Stevenson (H)
Studio of Brian Nedvin
2. Kayla Suter (H)
Studio of Samantha Miller


Sydney Wenger (H)
Studio of Wayne Kompelien
Chloe DeVincent (H)
Studio of Madison Warren
Juliana Cardine (H)
Studio of Patricia Miller
Madison Davis (H)
Studio of Madison Warren
Sarai Burgos (H)
Studio of Samantha Miller

Third Year Musical Theatre Treble Voice

1. Victoria Winsky (H)
Studio of Clifford Lambert II
2. Ava Stevenson (H)
Studio of Brian Nedvin
2.  Morgan McKay (H)
Studio of Clifford Lambert II


Brooke Reynolds (H)
Studio of Clifford Lambert II
Leah Gaus (H)
Studio of Samantha Miller
Taryn Amos (H)
Studio of Kelly Montgomery
Ciara Allen (H)
Studio of Patricia Campbell

Fourth/Fifth Year Classical Treble Voice

1. Meghan Willey (H)
Studio of Carrie Stevens
2. Lauryn Wallentine (H)
Studio of Samantha Miller
3. Blythe Condon (H)
Studio of Samantha Miller


Allison Yablonski (H)
Studio of Sarah Walston

Jennifer Mills (H)
Studio of Patricia Miller

Fourth/Fifth Year Musical theatre Treble Voice

1. Ellie James (H)
Studio of Patricia Campbell
2. Emma Donohue (H)
Studio of Mindy Damon
3. Nicolette Pilalis (H)
Studio of Clifford Lambert II


Blythe Condon (H)
Studio of Samantha Miller
Kathryn Nerys Apple (H)
Studio of Melissa Chavez
Rosalind Chan (H)
Studio of Kerry Wilkerson

Third Year Classical TBB

1. Thomas Oxbrough (H)
Studio of Kevin McMillan
2. Joshua Ward (H)
Studio of Kevin Haglund

Third Year Musical Theatre TBB

1. Thomas Oxbrough (H)
Studio of Kevin McMillan
2. Michael Lafaver (H)
Studio of Nicholas Martinez
3. Cole Hertzler (H)
Studio of Sarah Hamilton


Skylar Travis (H)
Studio of Edward Duff

Fourth/Fifth Year Classical TBB

1. Luis Enrique Flores (H)
Studio of Kerry Wilkerson
2. Ethan Haglund (H)
Studio of Kevin Haglund
2. Derrick Pough Jr. (H)
Studio of John McGuire

Fourth/Fifth Year Musical Theatre TBB

1. Shakari Bigelow (H)
Studio of Bianca Jackson
2. Evan Zimmerman (H)
Studio of Kerry Wilkerson

Lower Advanced Musical Theatre Treble

  1. Fawzia Istrabadi (H)
    Studio of Anne Wick

Upper Advanced Musical Theatre Treble

  1. Maria Sarri (H)
    Studio of Anne Wick

Lower Advanced Classical Treble Voice

1. Anissa Clay Zelaya (H)
Studio of Patricia Miller
2. Samantha Joy Whitaker (H)
Studio of Kevin McMillan
3. Nya Powell (H)
Studio of Margaret Woods


Megan O’Brien (H)
Studio of Margaret Woods

Grace Pfleger (H)
Studio of Denise Ritter Bernardini

Emily Rosenberger (H)
Studio of Danielle Talamantes

Mikayla Mindiola (H)
Studio of Patricia Miller

Upper Advanced Classical TrebleVoice

1. Katie Burnham (H)
Studio of Byron Jones
2. Julianne Kim (H)
Studio of Alisa Jordheim
3. Maria Sarri
Studio of Anne Wick

CL 10A
Lower Advanced Classical TBB

  1. Ricky Goodwyn Jr. (H)
    Studio of Kevin McMillan

CL 10B
Upper Advanced Classical TBB

1. David Maeng
Studio of Eugene Galvin

CM 5
Lower Commercial Music - Treble
(Online at Regionals)

1. Presley Colonge (H)
Studio of Mindy Damon
2. Gabriella Johnson (H)
Studio of John McGuire
3. Ashley Miller (H)
Studio of Mark Greenawalt


Mia Lemon (H)
Studio of Sarah Hamilton

Emma King (H)
Studio of Mindy Damon

Destinee Lee (H)
Studio of Richard Jupin

CM 6
Lower Commercial Music - TBB
(Online at Regionals)

1. Devlan Brantley (H)
Studio of Mindy Damon
2. Nicholas Brueggemann (H)
Studio of Mark Greenawalt
3. Brandon Marshall
Studio of Richard Jupin

CM 7
Upper Commercial Music - Treble
(Online at Regionals)

1. Emma Donohue (H)
Studio of Mindy Damon
2. Kathryn Nerys Apple (H)
Studio of Melissa Chavez

CM 8
Upper Commercial Music - TBB
(Online at Regionals)

1. Jairus Mullen (H)
Studio of Mindy Damon
2. Shaion Ury (H)
Studio of Anne Wick
3. Derrick Pough Jr. (H)
Studio of John McGuire

AS 8
1st - 3rd Year College Age American Negro Spiritual TBB

  1. Devonte Garcia (H)
    Studio of Kevin McMillan

AS 10
4th & 5th Year College Age and Graduate American Negro Spiritual - TBB

1. Ricky Goodwyn, Jr. (H)
Studio of Kevin McMillan

Youth, High School, and Adult Results

MT 2
Youth Musical Theatre
(Online at Regionals)

1. Claire Williams (H)
Studio of Christa Flint
2. Grace Erwin (H)
Studio of Christa Flint
3. James Abidin (H)
Studio of Nancy Smith


Emory Burns (H)
Studio of Silvia Ledon
Autumn Donaruma (H)
Studio of Christa Flint

CL 2
Youth Classical
(Online at Regionals)

1. James Abidin (H)
Studio of Nancy Smith
2. Eva Matthew (H)
Studio of Eugene Galvin
3. Hadley Fugate (H)
Studio of Brandy Bollen

MT 3A-O (Online)
Lower High School Musical Theatre Treble Voice
(Online at Regionals)

  1. Glennes Ware (H)
    Studio of Melissa Chavez
    2. Taggie Gomtsyan
    Studio of Danielle Talamantes
    3. Gen Jaeger
    Studio of Katie Munson

MT 3B-O (Online)
Upper High School Musical Theatre Treble Voice
(Online at Regionals)

1. Eva Shifflett (H)
Studio of Melissa Chavez
2. Pippa Westland
Studio of Amy Ayre

Lower High School Classical Treble Voice

1. Abigail Bodvake (H)
Studio of Shelly Milam-Ratliff
2. Sophia Egge (H)
Studio of Shannon Wise
3. Dasianae Cross (H)
Studio of Shelly Milam-Ratliff
3. Hrishi Iyer (H)
Studio of Amy Ayre


Mira Flood (H)
Studio of Nancy Smith
Miley Thomas (H)
Studio of Sarah Hamilton
Madelyn Regan (H)
Studio of Nancy Smith
Christine Dang (H)
Studio of Nancy Smith

Lower High School Musical Theatre Treble Voice
(Online at Regionals)

1. Caroline Hutchins (H)
Studio of Silvia Ledon
2. Laura Conner (H)
Studio of Christa Flint
3. Hayden Steele(H)
Studio of Silvia Ledon
3. Tori Terrazas (H)
Studio of Eugene Galvin


Madelyn Regan (H)
Studio of Nancy Smith
Gabrielle Mack (H)
Studio of Christa Flint
Bella Marciano (H)
Studio of Christa Flint
Mira Flood (H)
Studio of Nancy Smith
Riya Jacob (H)
Studio of Michelle Fegeas Foster
Heather Lowekamp (H)
Studio of Mary Matthews
Shiloh Mack (H)
Studio of Christa Flint

CL 3B-1
Upper High School Classical Treble Voice

1. Isabela Farrell (H)
Studio of Shelly Milam-Ratliff
2. Jocie Schnee (H)
Studio of Donna Green
2. Riah Lubansky( H)
Studio of Shelly Milam-Ratliff


Mary Reins (H)
Studio of Shelly Milam-Ratliff
Sia Qiu (H)
Studio of Amy Ayre
Gianna Gecan (H)
Studio of Danielle Talamantes
Aurora Sauer (H)
Studio of Shelly Milam-Ratliff

CL 3B-2
Upper High School Classical Treble Voice

1. Logan Windley (H)
Studio of Shelly Milam-Ratliff
2. Sophia Bourcier (H)
Studio of Shelly Milam-Ratliff
3. Serenity Everette (H)
Studio of Shelly Milam-Ratliff
3. Isabella Gayton (H)
Studio of Shelly Milam-Ratliff


Erica Axtell (H)
Studio of Margaret Woods
Savannah Stephens (H)
Studio of Shelly Milam-Ratliff
Sophie Hill (H)
Studio of Shelly Milam-Ratliff
Jacqueline Copeland (H)
Studio of Nancy Smith
Sadie Holloway (H)
Studio of Margaret Woods
Hannah Moghaddar (H)
Studio ofNancy Smith
Hannah Smith (H)
Studio of Laura Halick
Prisha Ray (H)
Studio of Danielle Talamantes
Jolie Ragin (H)
Studio of Shelly Milam-Ratliff

MT 3B-1
Upper High School Musical Theatre Treble Voice
(Online at Regionals)

1. Chloe Gunnoe (H)
Studio of Christa Flint
2. Ivy Loughan (H)
Studio of Silvia Ledon
3. Lindsey Hicks (H)
Studio of Christa Flint


Beth Goddin (H)
Studio of Mary Matthews
Lillie Rusch (H)
Studio of Laura Halick
Brie Moon (H)
Studio of Wesley Diener
Caroline Rous (H)
Studio of Mary Matthews
Alanna Helfrich (H)
Studio of Christa Flint
Ella Young (H)
Studio of Sarah Hamilton
Emy Gentile (H)
Studio of Ellen Petko

MT 3B-2
Upper High School Musical Theatre Treble Voice
(Online at Regionals)

1. Paja Clark (H)
Studio of Nancy Smith
1. Scout Knapton (H)
Studio of Christa Flint
3. Aubrey Pack (H)
Studio of Christa Flint


Jillson McGarry (H)
Studio of Nancy Smith
Annalise Schultz (H)
Studio of Christa Flint
Jacqueline Copeland (H)
Studio of Nancy Smith
Hannah Moghaddar (H)
Studio of Nancy Smith
Natalie Greene (H)
Studio of Christa Flint

Lower High School Classical TBB

1. Devin White (H)
Studio of Shelly Milam-Ratliff
2. John (Jack) Potter (H)
Studio of Amy Ayre
3. Jack Abidin (H)
Studio of Nancy Smith

Lower High School Musical Theatre TBB

1. John (Jack) Potter (H)
Studio of Amy Ayre
2. Jack Wielar (H)
Studio of Wesley Diener
3. Jack Abidin (H)
Studio of Nancy Smith

 Upper High School Classical TBB

1. Thomas Seeger (H)
Studio of Don Joseph Bernardini
2. Ted Thomas (H)
Studio of Shelly Milam-Ratliff
3. Jadon Colbert (H)
Studio of Shelly Milam-Ratliff

Upper High School Musical Theatre TBB

1. Ted Thomas (H)
Studio of Shelly Milam-Ratliff
2. Gavyn Falwell (H)
Studio of Christa Flint
3. Ben Bodor (H)
Studio of Christa Flint
3. Thomas Disharoon (H)
Studio of Silvia Ledon

MT 11
Adult Musical Theatre Treble Voice
(Online at Regionals)

1. Jackie Hieber (H)
Studio of Sarah Hamilton